Sunday, October 28, 2012

I don't wear Jean Shorts

Hey Folks

Go Dawgs first and foremost. I hope you enjoyed that victory over those jean short wearing Gators
That was one for the ages. Put that in your story book

I want to hear what you have to say about the Dawgs from this weekend.

Question of the day?
Can the Dawgs make it to the National Championship? and Who NEEDS to lose to make it happen?


Jarvis Jones fill in the blank

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lets Debate

Hey Folks

I know you might be watching the debate or will watch reruns soon...

Have you ever won a debate in a debate class?

The one thing I have learned from tonight is that the moderator keeps saying "Don't go Away"... I don't think the President or the Governor were honestly going anywhere

Enjoy this day

Lets hear it?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Christmas Jungle

Hey Folks.

Big shout out to Sam and Rachel Heilig Congratulations! Beautiful Wedding!

What would you say if Congress tried to move Christmas to July....

What are you doing wednesday?

Pay close attention you may have action to do

Happy Birthday

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Coosa Valley Fair Meets Roman Culture

Hey there folks. 
Hope you have had a great weekend.
 Make sure to view this flick and see where you would put yourself in here.
 If you want to be in just comment.

Question of the Day:
What would you do if you were calling the Braves vs. Nationals game on Friday?

Also Dawgs? Just your thoughts.
I look forward to many more times with you until then enjoy your vlog. 

We Are All In THIS together